Are You Happy Now?

by Naiana Alexander

Now here she is,
Razor to her skin,
Thinking of taking
No regrets
Numb and Empty
She makes 1 cut
and another
and another
"Go Die"
"Just Kill Yourself Already"
"Why are you still here?"
Red blood
dripping, staining
Her skin
Words in her head
All she sees is red
Now Lifeless
Dead and cold
Lying on the bathroom floor
With the words in printed in her skin
Are you happy now?

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Jan 06, 2015
Very Powerful
by: Dana

I am publishing your submission as it is very powerful. Speaks volumes and really highlights the hopelessness that people feel and the extremes that people will take to end their pain.

I do hope that this was not about you and your desire to kill yourself. If it is, I encourage you to find help as soon as possible.

If you don't have anyone right now, you can check out a list of suicide hotlines here. They are there 24/7 and vcan help you find the help and support you need locally so you can begin to heal.

Please reach out and get the love and support that you deserve. While it may feel there is no way out, you can heal and live a fulfilling life with some professional support and guidance.

Sending you love and light,


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