Depression symptoms manifest in many different ways. It primarily depends on how severe the depression might be. This is not a one size fits all list. The symptoms depend on how severe the depression is (mild to severe) and, quite frankly how the person copes.
Depression Symptoms can manifest themselves physically, mentally, emotionally - a large variety of ways. It can also depend on your family history, whether you've been diagnosed in the past, if you've taken anti-depressants before, etc.
The most important thing is to acknowledge that you are here because something is "off" and you don't feel right. It's important to note that depression is often misunderstood.
People have this image that people that have depression just lay around all day, stay in their PJ's and avoid everyone. This is true in cases of severe depression. However, the majority of the population doesn't have severe depression. They have a mild, chronic depression.
Depression symptoms for a mild, chronic depression will be very different that for severe depression. With a more chronic form, you can be a high functioning person. On the outside, everything seems normal but, on the inside, you feel stuck, numb, bummed ... like you're in a funk you just can't seem to snap out of. I totally understand because this is how I felt for years! It sucks! But know you can get out of this funk and be happy again!
If you're here looking up the depression symptoms, then you probably think you might be depressed. While the list of symptoms below can be helpful, I encourage you to take a depression test to get a baseline. By taking the test you will get a better understanding of your current state and potential course of action. To take the test, simply click on the image below.
So if you're just looking for the list of depression symptoms, you'll find them below. You should have experienced these symptoms for at least two (2) consecutive weeks. Alright, let's take a look:
So how'd you do?
If you have quite a few of these symptoms, I urge you to take a comprehensive test (click on image above) and find out for sure.
Insofar as the list is concerned, it's based on the diagnostic tool we use as therapists called the DSM-5. Generally speaking, in order to diagnose someone with depression, the person should exhibit these symptoms for at least two (2) consecutive weeks. Personally, I struggle with this because if you just encountered some sort of trauma or loss, you may indeed have these symptoms for at least two weeks! So, goes without saying that the longer you have they symptoms, the more likely it is you have some form of the disorder.
Ugh! I even hate using that word "disorder" - as if something is wrong with you! That's not true. It's simply a wake-up call that you have some healing to do - plain and simple! If you do discover you are depressed and you're interested in getting some help, you can schedule an initial consultation with me. Just go to the image toward the top of the page on the right-hand side.
If you want to take other depression tests, I have several others for you to choose from.
If you want to learn more, I encourage you to go through my site and learn about the different types of depression to determine which one you might be struggling with. And, again, consider taking a depression test to gain more insight on whether or not you may have a depressive disorder.
While a depression quiz is not a diagnosis method, it can give you another reference point and give you a better idea of just how depressed you really are. A very popular test is the Becks Depression Inventory test. It is a test that I use frequently with my clients.
Once you get an idea as to what you are faced with, you can then begin to explore depression treatment options, depression medications, and depression therapy options.
You can find other useful information about depression symptoms on WebMD as well. If you feel you might have a depressive disorder then it is important to get formerly diagnosed and seek proper treatment.
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