by Naomi
I no longer wear makeup
because the tears come down
I used to have a face that smiled
but life has turned it upside down
my mother doesn’t get it
my dad just yells or sighs
my sisters all think I should go to hell
id rather cry
it's been years since things felt ok
I'm not talking about just my fears
my past it comes to haunt me
my future feels too near
I'm always out of balance
my eyes are always red
I can't seem to get out of my head
I'm trying to breath
but it feels like they're all against me
and if you only knew
all the games people play
and the mess that I've made
it not my fault
life happens
but I can't seem to get out of this mess
guess I'm just 20
maybe one day I won't feel so depressed/repressed
like glue
I’m through with this
messed up feeling
not at all new
out of the few
that stayed they all demand me to be blue.
coming out
coming out
I'm searching for meaning
reaching out of this draught
but I'm so stuck in and far behind I'm
coming out I'm reaching for something to hold onto but I feel so blue.
This is a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing this with my visitors. I'm sure many of them can relate.
We all feel this way from time to time and it is my hope for you that you have found the light and that you aren't feeling so blue anymore.
It pains me to see so many people around the globe suffering with depression. Suffering needlessly! Depression is something that you don't have to live with. Rather it is something that you can overcome! There is help! There is hope! Depression is treatable.
Please don't give up on yourself! Instead, reach out to someone that can provide you with support and can help you find the light again. It is in that light that you'll find hope, healing and long term health.
Big hugs! Thanks again for sharing yourself and your poem with me and my visitors.