Could You be Suffering with
Christmas Depression?

If you are wondering if Christmas Depression really exists, I am here to tell you - "you bet it does"!

Christmas Depression, sometimes referred to as Holiday Depression, seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and is very common.

During the holidays, some people experience an exciting time full of happy childhood memories, laughter and fun gatherings with family and friends.

While, for others, it triggers a lot of "stuff" that ressurects itself during the holiday season. People use the term "holiday blues" all the time and this is because the holidays have a tendency to stir up a lot of unresolved issues and feelings. Diffucult childhood memories, the death of a loved one, unhealthy family dynamics, financial pressure, personal regret and, of course, a ton of stress ... there are many reasons the holidays can trigger a feeling of being depressed. 

Yes the holidays can really bring a person down, hence the term.

So What Are the Symptoms?

There are many different types of depressive disorders and the symptoms for this particular one include the following:

  • Feelings of loneliness
  • Frequent headaches
  • Over-eating or drinking too much
  • Insomnia
  • Low levels of energy, feeling lethargic
  • Lack of interest in participating in festivities
  • Feelings of hopelessness, frustration and/or anxiety

    These symptoms are not uncommon to a clinical depressive disorder however, in this case, the symptoms are atypical for the individual and they usually exist only during the holiday season.

    Can I Beat This?

    So do you have Christmas depression? If so, there is hope! While there really isn't a formal treatment for this, here are some suggestions I have to help you get through it.

    1. Consider natural remedies for depression. Most of them are readily available and you don't need a prescription

    2. Manage your expectations - set a realistic schedule that minimizes unnecessary stress.

    3. Consider volunteering to help others during this time

    4. Avoid excessive drinking and/or the use of drugs. They will only emphasize your symptoms

    5. Surround yourself with people that are supportive

    6. Manage your thoughts - if bad/sad memories come about then don't harp on them. Instead acknowledge them then release them.

    7. Broaden your horizons - try something new, different and exciting as a way to begin creating new, positive memories

    8. Consider seeking professional help to address the issues that come up during this season so that you don't have to go through this each and every year

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