Depression Among Teenagers:
A Huge Dilemma

In today’s day and age, depression among teenagers is a huge problem. It is widely known that teenagers can be moody and, of course, that is completely normal. However, teenage depression goes beyond this moodiness and can be very serious.

It is so important to understand the signs of teenage depression and learn about the causes of teen depression. Teenage depressive disorders are as difficult to understand as teenagers themselves! So recognizing the symptoms early on is the best preventative measure that you can take.

Unlike adults, teenagers are unable to seek treatment on their own since they need a parent or guardian’s permission to get treatment. However, with that said, very few teens are proactive enough or mature enough to identify that they may have a problem and reach out for help. So depressed teens go through years or even a lifetime untreated.

It is sad to report that only about 20% of the teenagers suffering from a depressive disorder ever get treatment and, yet, depression among teenagers is very treatable! Statistics indicated that once a client is properly diagnosed and begins treatment, they will feel better in just a couple of weeks and go on to live happy, productive lives.

So you can see, If you are a parent of a teenager it is important for you to know what the signs to look for so you can assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

Depression Among Teenagers

If you are a teenager and think you might be depressed, or a parent checking this out for your child, there is a teenage depression test on my site. There are many signs to watch out for as it is not always sadness. They can show many signs beyond this that indicate a depressive disorder exists and/or a something more serious. Understanding the warning signs and showing concern for the teen is a great first step.

It’s important to note that if teenage depression is left untreated there are many repercussions.

Teens can have trouble concentrating in school, which affects their ability to learn in school, leading to poor grades and can ultimately have a long term impact on their futures. Also, teens that are suffering with feelings of hopelessness may decide to skip school and even run away from home. So many parents that have kids run away from home say “oh no, not my child. She would never do that.” When in fact, the parents have no real connection with their children and miss the obvious signs.

Teenagers are under so much pressure these days that despair is a very common thread between them. They are trying to find themselves, they are trying to fit in, they are trying to survive in a world that is full of challenges. It is no wonder that depression among teenagers is on the rise. It is our responsibility as adults to stay tuned in to our teens, recognize the symptoms of depression and seek the appropriate professional help to ensure the future of our children and the future of our nation.

Other Related Pages:

Teen Depression Statistics

Causes of Teen Depression

Depression Among Teenagers to Depression Test Home Page
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