
by Mikaila
(United States of America)

You don't know what you're feeling

You don't know who you are

Why is this happening you ask?
To people that are so innocent?
You can’t understand what happens in your head
But you’re scared it’s going to hurt you in the end

People say they care but do they really
They say “I'll do whatever it takes to help you”
Then you never see them again

They run and flee in fear
Like you’re a monster
They insult you and put you down
Only to make things worse

Sleep is your drug
You’re arm is your canvas
Your brush is your razor
And I am the artist

Here you are
Wallowing in self-pity
Feeling bad for yourself

Because I am Depression
Nice to meet you.

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Aug 22, 2016
Very Articulate!
by: Dana

I am so impressed with how you've articulated your experience with depression. You are so right that depression doesn't discriminate. We are all susceptible! Also, depression carries such a negative stigma that people have no idea how to help ... much less even understand what it is.

Depression is sorely misunderstood!

I hope that you find the love and support you need to heal. You are very gifted and talented! Please know that it is treatable. You can overcome this!

If you need support please reach out!



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