Inpatient Depression Treatment:
Is It Necessary?

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Image courtesy of ”Eva Blue”
 inpatient depression treatment

Inpatient depression treatment is one of many option for treating depressive disorders and, most commonly, treating cases of severe disorders. The choice to treat someone that is severly depressed by way of a treatment center is often a very tough one. It is usually a "last resort" where it is so severe, other treatments have not been effective and/or the patient is at risk of hurting themselves or others.

The decision to pursue inpatient treatment should not be taken lightly. There are many things to consider as this type of treatment changes the lives of the patient and the loved ones around them. An inpatient option can be very extensive and require a fairly lengthy stay. So consider this option carefully, taking into account all the facts. I've outlined some facts as well as common questions to ask when considering this as an option.

Some Facts About Inpatient Depression Treatment

  • Patients can be self admitted or admitted by a family member or physician

  • Unlike more traditional ooptions, inpatient options are for severe cases of depression where patients are likely to hurt themselves or others. As a result, they are closely monitored.

  • The patients often times have no coping mechanisms anymore and are unable to take care of themselves.

  • Treatment plans are established by the physicians and agreed to by the patient and/or the family members - depending on the patients state of mind.

  • Some patients are admitted unwillingly, either by the courts or by family members, because the patient is such a danger to their own well being or that of others. In these cases, the patient is held for a fixed period of time before they are re-evaluated.

  • Inpatient depression treatment centers can be resident based hospitals or out-patient daytime facilities. Your choice will depend on the severity of the depressed individual and the advice of your medical professional.

    Things To Consider When Evaluating Treatment Centers

    When you are evaluating a treatment center, there are several things that need to be taken into consideration.

  • Will there be open communication between the family members and the doctor doing the treatment??

  • What is the anticipated length of time for the patient’s stay?

  • What are the visitation rules? Can family members visit? How many at a time? How long can they stay? How often can they visit?

  • What kind of therapy will be provided? Individual? Group? Natural? Homeopathic? Prescription? Alternative?

  • What can the patient bring with them? What is not allowed?

  • How much will it cost? What will insurance pay for? What are my expense?

  • How is the patient’s ability to be discharged determined?

  • What treatment will be necessary once the patient is discharged?

  • What are the things to consider once the patient is at home?


    Inpatient depression treatment has been the right choice for so many families and individuals. It prevents the patient from hurting themselves and others and it can accelerate treatment and, ultimately, recovery. Is it right for you? Learn more about considerations, options and available facilities by going to my page about treatment centers.

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