Take a Depression Test

Do you want to take a depression test? If so, then you have come to the right place. While I can't provide the Beck Depression Inventory because it is copyrighted, I am able to provide you with a comprehensive test. Simply click on the link below to get started. It will only take you a few minutes and once your done, depending on your results, I encourage you to schedule a free consultation with me. You'll see a link in your test results or click on the image over there to your right!

Options to Take a Depression Test

When you take a depression test on-line, it is important to know that the results should be used as a simple reference point and not as a way to diagnose yourself with a form of depression or any other mood disorder. In order to get a real diagnosis it is important to seek out the evaluation and diagnosis by a trained mental health professional.

So, with that said, here is a list of other self assessments for you to consider as you seek answers and learn more about your situation.

  • The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale: This is used to determine just how serious any of the three conditions might be but is not meant to predict a true disorder. This is a good one to take if you are experiencing all three. If not, then check out the others.
  • The Geriatric Depression Scale. This is a self-assessement designed specifically for the elderly population.
  • The Depression Self Test. This is a test that I developed based on the criterion specified in the DSM-5 that we use to aide in diagnosing depression in our clients.
  • The Depression Quiz. This is a short checklist of symptoms that indicate the probability of depression being present.
  • The Depression Questionnaire. A bit more comprehensive then the quiz, so it is a bit more telling in terms of whether you have symptoms of depression.
  • The Zung Self Rating Depression Scale. This is a 20 item self assessment developed by Dr. W.K. Zung and was originally designed for the use with people already diagnosed with depression but has migrated to use in helping to detect levels of depression in individuals prior to diagnosis. There are several other assessments I plan on adding in the very near future but this is a good start for you as you set out to learn more about how your feeling and what might be going on.
  • Learn about Depression Symptoms or go to the home page

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    Happy family after overcoming depression- Depression Test
    depression consultation session
    depression consultation session