Why me?

by Greek

Why me?

Why always me?
Always screwing me over,
Always making me feel pain,
Making everything I do a stress,
I am tired of going through motions,
Just to accomplish something seen as worthless?
I am tired of going through motion,
Making everything I do a stress,
Always making me feel pain,
Always screwing me over,
Why always me?
Why me?


Short, simple yet it says so much!

We all feel this way at some point in our lives. The key is to get out of the "why me" energy. This energy is about being the victim and suggests you have nothing to do with your circumstances. The fact is, you have a lot more control of things than you think you do.

Empower yourself to stand up and choose not to be the victim anymore. Holding on to this energy takes up a lot of time and is ineffective in the long run and will do more harm than good. It also is a way that you wind up giving away your power.

You are inherently a powerful, vibrant person. While you may have experienced hardship a long the way, you can be that person again. We all face challenges in our lives. It is how you handle them that dictates the outcome.

I once learned of an equation: E + R = O

E is the experience. It is something that you can't control. It's the hand life dealt to you.

R is the response to that experience .. of which you have total control.

O is the Outcome which will be positive or negative depending on your response.

When you have a constructive response to life's experience, the outcome will be positive. Likewise, if you have a negative response, the outcome will be negative.

Something so simple but a great formula to keep in the back of your mind.

I invite you to be the powerful, vibrant person you are meant to be.



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Sep 01, 2016
Thank you.
by: Theo

I want to get out of this view of life. I have lived in it for so long. Knowing others that go through this same struggle comforts me, and I appreciate this poem a lot.

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